Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Signing up for another 48 Hours

Linda's film maker friend Scott asked if she / we would be available to help him out again this year. Being one of the things we've enjoyed in recent years, she said yes. The 48 Hour Film Project gives a group of film makers forty-eight hours to make a film with a specified character, line, and prop; all of the films must have those same elements. The film makers draw their personal genre out of a hat to make it a little more interesting. None of the film makers know their elements until the just before the end of the meeting. Because Scott lives a couple of hours away, he asks Linda to do the drawing and call him with the information; that saves him a lot of time... when time is precious. This year, Linda drew romance. Scott was pretty happy with that draw. If you'd like to see some of the videos out of Des Moines over the years, go here and pick one. To see the international contributions, go to

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