Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Having a taste at the Wilton Candy Kitchen

Wilton is one of those small towns dotting the Iowa landscape that has a couple of genuine treasures. George Nopoulos and his Candy Kitchen are both uncommon treats.

The Des Moines Register listed the chocolate malt as One of the 100 Things You Must Eat and, as is often the case, the location is as memorable as the food. Stepping through the front door felt like a step back in time, living history. We had the pleasure of visiting with our remarkably clever and witty host, George. Linda ordered the malt and I ordered the root beer float. George set about preparing our orders keeping us entertained and on our toes as he shared stories and observations. One of the surprising tales was about a stop by Gregory Peck.

Linda's malt was soon ready and we each got an official taste of the item from the list. George got started on the float. It's the first float (or root beer) I remember having seen made from the syrup and carbonated water. It was a little different to see it done right before my eyes... and yes, it was yummy. We sat and chatted, enjoying our treats and the company. As we were leaving, a college age couple came in, the young woman clearly showing her beau one of the special places of her life.

Check out the review at RoadFood.com.

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