Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Picnicing on a Golden Pond

The weather was so nice this evening that I called Linda to see if she'd be up for a picnic. She was so I grabbed my picnic basket and headed for her place. On the way, I thought of a place we'd not been yet, Walnut Woods State Park. Located in the shadow of a stand of walnut trees along the river, it would be a nice place to enjoy a picnic. We drove through the park and I realized that Maffitt Reservoir was near and she'd not been there either. I set course and we were on our way.

After passing a couple of picnic tables, we settled on one on a hill overlooking the water. It was a nice location but the warm air was beginning to cool. We finished our picnic and thought we'd better get moving if we were going to be getting any photos as sunset approached. Fortunately, we'd wound up on the east side of the water so the sunset was going to be enhanced by the lake. We made our way down the gently sloping hillside and saw the image you see above. It was a great evening to be out with a camera. Linda and I each got several very nice, colorful images... and saw another new place around Des Moines.

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