Saturday, April 21, 2007

Playing with Google Earth...

If you're accessing the internet using dial-up, you should probably skip this post. If you've never played with Google Earth, you've probably saved yourself a meaningful number of hours of not very productive time. That said, Google Earth (sometimes referred to as GE) is a major hoot to mess with.

I've attached a link to a GE file that points at the new building location from yesterday's post. I've also attached the link to the photo so, if you click on the location in GE, you'll see my picture as well. If you click on the link, it will ask if you want to save or open a zip file. I open it. (Okay, you have to have something that will open .ZIP files too. Pretty common and safe to use.) When opened, you'll see a file called doc.kml; open that file. Google Earth will launch and you'll be whisked to a point about 500 meters above the site. The satellite image is a bit dated ... but, if you click on the pin, you'll see my photo. Kinda cool! in a geeky kinda way.

New Building Location

From time to time, I'll probably include more GE files for planetary context. I hope you have some fun with it; I know I do!

Download Google Earth here.

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