Monday, September 03, 2007

Trying the tacos at Henry J's

I can't count the number of times I'd driven down Southwest Ninth past Henry J's and wondered if they did any business; I now know they do. Recently, Linda ran across an article that described the author taking a friend to Henry J's for tacos and enchiladas. The article sounded favorable so Linda asked me if I'd ever been. When I had her drive past, she understood how I could have passed all these years. It doesn't have the polished look that most restaurants have today.

We stopped in and enjoyed a couple of tasty, crispy flour tacos. The decor included four black velvet bullfighter themed paintings on the wall and a large oscolating fan on the wall behind the counter. A steady stream of customers stopped in while we ate; I'm guessing regulars because they didn't pause to consider the menu before stepping to the counter. It was a nice introduction to a southside landmark.

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