Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Well... those blisters that didn't show up Saturday have shown up. Yesterday I had one; tonight I have the other. My feet and toes were a bit sore today at work but I went for a two mile walk this evening; wanted to be sure I remembered how to walk with blisters. The pace felt brisk but I'm pretty sure it was not up to the fifteen minute goal. Anyway, it was a nice night and the walk went well.

This weekend, the Des Moines Rowing Club will be hosting the Head of the Des Moines Regatta. Events are scheduled every fifteen minutes from 8:30 in the morning to 5:00 in the evening. That's a whole lotta rowing! Weather permitting, I'm thinking I'll swing by for a few races and possibly some photos. When we were training for the marathons, we used to walk that stretch of the river and it was pretty common to see the crews out there practicing. It should be fun to see them doing it for real. I'll keep you posted.

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