Sunday, March 11, 2007

Joel and I RECEIVE notice...

A few months back, Joel and I gave notice at our preferred pizza place that, due to scheduling issues beyond our control (mostly), we would be switching to Tuesday nights. Wednesday night, we learned that our long time server was calling it quits and heading for Milwaukee for other pursuits. Joel made sure it wasn't because of something we'd said or done (there have been a few occasions that make that question appropriate ... but we're not going into that here and now.) No, she said she was at a point in her life where a fresh start made sense. Unbeknownst to us, she'd grown up in the area and was looking forward to returning. Seeing that our opportunity to sway her to stay had passed, we wished her well and enjoyed our pizza.

The movie selections were limited and I had had a longer than usual day so we headed back to Joel's. Marlene wasn't home yet so we settled in to watch Robert Redford and company in Jeremiah Johnson, a tale of a man who tries to get away from it all in the Rocky Mountains in the 1800s. Good story, well told.

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