Sunday, March 11, 2007

Thursday Theatre

Thursday evening, Linda and I went the Performing Arts Hall of the Harmon Fine Arts Center at Drake to see a play by Patrick Hamilton, Gaslight. This play, written in the 1930s, was adapted in films produced in Britain and the United States in the 1940s. The story is about a couple who are struggling with issues related to her apparent mental deterioration and his efforts to help. We soon have reason to question what's really going on.

The play was attended by around thirty people, many appearing to have connections to the players or the university. The set was well designed, costumes appropriate, and the actors did a fine job with the material. While the story took a somewhat sinister turn, there were certainly moments of good humor.

We also learned that the Drake Drama Department put on six plays this school year, generally on a monthly basis. Given the inexpensive admission and quality of the performances, this is yet another gem that only shines for those who seek it out. I hope to take advantage of their offerings in the future.

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