Sunday, October 21, 2007

Completing the Des Moines (Half) Marathon

Yes, Linda and I did participate in and complete the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon. We walked again and with less training than last year but we finished in a time that pleased us both. They altered the course this year to take us up by the capitol from the start. It was pretty impressive to see all those people making their way out ahead of us.

The weather was overcast and cool, great for a marathon as far as I'm concerned. Our limited training probably did set us up for a few more challenges but completing the thing helped me ignore the question about what we were thinking when we signed up. Having the experience of doing one last year prepared us more for the various little things that happen to your body along the way. This year did have a new twist in swelling in the hands. I talked about it before but Linda hadn't experienced it herself. We made it a point to get her hands up to shoulder level from time to time to help drain the fluids; it seemed to help.

As last year, it was very pleasing to cross the finish line. The medal is a nice token but the real reward is knowing we can still do it.

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