Friday, November 09, 2007

Checking out an authentic German Hausbarn

Linda and I stopped by at another of the 100 Places, the hausbarn in Manning. Unfortunately, when we arrived, it was closed for the day so we didn't get to see the interior up close. We did get to see through some windows and can say that the house half is in the right half of the picture... the windows kind of give that away too, if you think about it. The barn half then is on the left, or north end of the building. Some of the thinking has to do with accessing the body heat from the animals to help heat the home. If the barn is toward the winter prevailing wind, you also have a substantial windbreak. I'm not sure if the benefits outweigh having the animals that close but some folks clearly thought so.

There's a pretty decent looking article about how they got the thing here. Click here to read it.

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