Sunday, November 11, 2007

Exploring Perry

Perry is an attractive community that celebrates its history. The new public library sits about a block away from the beautifully restored Carnegie library in the upper left image. Linda had been there before and made sure I got to see the interior. If the library looked that good when it opened, it must have been a tremendous addition to the community.

On the corner across the street from the library is the former First National Bank of Perry. The clock really caught my eye.

Directly across from the library is a wonderful pedestrian space with a stunning arch at each end. Made of pieces of the steel machines that built Perry, these arches are quite attractive and set the space apart.

Along one wall of the space are terra cotta portraits of people of note from the community. One that surprised me was V. T. Hamlin, creator of the comic strip Alley Oop. It was really a nice tribute to those who went before and built the town that is now Perry, Iowa.

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