Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting a first look at the Iowa Chops

At the end of last season, the Dallas Stars of the National Hockey League chose not to renew their contract with the local Iowa Stars. Fortunately, the Annaheim Ducks picked up the contract and we get to have near NHL caliber hockey in town. To avoid having issues with memorabelia should the Ducks drop us, a new, independent name was sought. When the team was named the Iowa Chops, some people expressed disappointment with the name. I like it. The headgear shown in the photo isn't really me but it "looks good on him."

That said, Linda and I wanted to get a look at the new team. Fortunately, an exhibition game with the Quad City team was coming up. The two of us were a significant portion of the "crowd" that showed up for the game. The Chops played well and won the game. Their style looked faster than the Stars so it's likely that we'll be going again.

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